Practice Reactivates 12 Patients in First Day of Using Zingit

Dr. Cory Emberland loves Zingit so much he’s started recommending it to all the chiropractors he knows. And it’s no wonder—within the first week of using Zingit his personal practice reactivated 12 patients. In 6 just weeks they doubled their Google reviews. These are just a some of the many benefits they’ve seen!


New reviews


Increase in reviews

Practice Reactivates 12 Patients in First Day of Using Zingit

As a consultant and mentor for other chiropractors, Dr. Cory feels his communication must be a cut above. He and his business partner professionally consult with a number of other chiropractic offices.

Chiropractic offices hire Dr. Cory and his partner D. Ryan Grayson, to assist in all realms of the chiropractic practice, but professionalism is a cornerstone of their guidance. Assisting offices to get their practice communications on point is pivotal.

“I find communication to be highly important to professionalism—and that is what sets you apart in our world today,” said Dr. Cory. “From a marketing standpoint, communication—especially quality information—is what draws patients in the door. Text is the preferred method of communication for today’s patients, and Zingit helps us effectively deliver quality information at scale. Patients want to go to the expert, providing clear and professional information attracts people to your office.”

Since Zingit is all about excellent patient communication, we sat down with Dr. Cory to understand which features matter the most to him to be sure his communication is where patients need it to be today.

About Dr. Cory’s Practice:

Practice offerings: Full-service chiropractic, massage, acupuncture, and more.

Location: Midwest – two offices in an area of high chiropractic density.

Practice Size: 6 chiropractors, 3 massage therapists.

Practice established: 1999

“Reactivation is probably the greatest value of Zingit.”

‘Prior to using Zingit, we tried numerous costly and time-consuming campaigns to reactivate patients. We used email. People don’t check their email, many of us have in boxes filled with of thousands of unchecked messages. We tried blanketed and targeted emails, not much response. We sent letters and postcards, both blanketed and targeted. It was expensive and ineffective. We made phone calls by both staff and doctors, they were awkward, hard to implement, and not well received.

Nothing has been as effective as text messaging for reactivations.

The initial campaign of text messages went out to a large number of inactive patients. In our offices that meant about 500 patients were contacted with that first blast. It went out on a Monday morning at 10 am. Shortly after our office staff and I responded to at least 150 text message responses to that blast. The responses were reengagements of people who were inactive. That day we rescheduled about a dozen of them via our text interactions, probably more than a dozen out of that group eventually. It did require time to respond to all of these messages, but the Zingit system made it easy and the very significant results were well worth the effort.

To send 500 texts, engage with around 100 individuals, and then that automated text message resulted in at least 12 people getting themselves back on the schedule—just because of that reactivation text message – amazing! Imagine the cost of acquisition of 12 new patients through traditional marketing methods? Reactivation is the way to go!

Moving forward, Zingit continues to send automatic text messages asking dormant patients how they are doing? This weekly reactivation campaign runs on autopilot, it’s so helpful.’

“We more than doubled our Google reviews in 6 weeks!”

‘Reactivations bring an immediate return, but online reviews build your brand and grow the practice over the long term. So the other big value of Zingit has been Google and Facebook reviews. Patients find their chiropractors on the internet today, gone are the phone books and mailers. Today, without question, the internet is the go-to place.  I believe that reviews are where people make their final decisions on their chiropractor, surgeon, dentist, restaurants and the like, almost everything in our world today. You may receive a referral from your neighbor to see a local chiropractor, but the chances that you will go to your computer to see how the rest if the world looks at them is quite great.

Reviews are a reinforcement for all your other marketing efforts to get people to your office.

Prior to Zingit, we tried everything and have gone through great efforts to garner more reviews. We asked people directly, mailed and handed out letters and cards. We emailed links to people, posted links on social media—whatever we could to try to get people to leave us reviews. After implementing Zingit, the automated text message review request far exceeded my expectations. I don’t think I could have done anything else to get so many reviews so quickly other than using this platform.

I don’t think there is any other method in our industry to increase the amount of reviews on Google as significantly and rapidly as we did with Zingit. Within 6 weeks, we increased our reviews from around 50-55 prior to Zingit, up to 125 reviews — that’s an additional 66 reviews in just 6 weeks. The amazing part is how quickly we were able to knock that out. People get that text message, get bumped to Google, and it is done. Incredible!’

What benefits or features drew you to Zingit in the first place?

‘Today, society wants to communicate using text messaging. We’ve gone through an evolution from telephone to email to now social media and text messaging. Text is something we couldn’t provide easily in practice—we can do social, we can do email, we can do phone—but I did not have a resource for text messaging.

We evaluated our practice management software’s program, which offered a texting feature. However, it isn’t as full featured, functional, and complete of a solution as Zingit. We tested another communications platform for a while, but because of the lack of software integration, it was useless to us. It didn’t work with our PMS platform, Chirotouch. Zingit seamlessly integrates with our software, making communication automatic, getting us much more value out of our data in Chirotouch.’

How was the process of getting started with Zingit?

‘The major positive to highlight is the quickness of getting it functional. They had it operating in my office in about a day. That was impressive to have it knocked out so quickly.  Support has also been incredible, you can even text in questions, and they respond – amazing!’

What would you say to any practices considering using Zingit?

‘The results speak for themselves. Don’t take my word for it. If you’d like an almost hands-free way to build your reviews on Google and an efficient tool to reactivate patients and communicate with your patients, there’s no other solution I know of that effectively achieves both – just give it a shot.’

How can you improve your practice with Zingit? Talk with an expert to find out.

Recent case study

"Practices considering getting Zingit should do it, because it’s so worth it. We wasted money on so many other things that never brought us results—especially in the areas of patient communication and reviews. To be able to get reviews without thinking about it is huge—and we are too busy to think about it. With Zingit, it’s so little effort to add it in and go."

Dr. Ken Gilman and Office Manager Jenny Gilman


Increase in reviews


New reviews

Running a practice without Zingit is like leaving money on the table.